An 8-month training program for believers who are called, newly commissioned, or experienced in Christian ministry. It will cover both theology, doctrines, leadership, and personal ministry. Also, both a spiritual gift assessment and a leadership style assessment will be administered.
Who can attend? All members of P3 Church are encouraged to attend, as this is a time for teaching, learning, and growing beyond our Sunday Worship Experience. For those designated as "Ministers-In-Training" by the Pastor, successful completion is required for licensing and/or ordination.
What is the cost? There is NO COST e for the inaugural School of Ministry, however, an offering will be collected during each session. In addition, MIT and those seeking credit OR graduation must purchase the course materials totaling $50.
Is there a Certificate of Completion and Graduation? Yes! Everyone who purchases materials and completes the coursework will receive a Certificate of Completion and be eligible for graduation during the Church Anniversary in October 2024.
Who will the instructors be? Your primary instructor will be from Pastor George Rich. There will also be instruction from Church leadership in-house and abroad.